- 徐寅 (Xu Yin), the man who introduced me to 五笔字型 during the summer of '93 in Shanghai, PRC.
- 徐鸿飞 (Xu Hongfei), Xu Yin's son, who cleverly figured out how to type my name using 五笔字型.
- 吴家骅 (Wu Jiahua), Xu Yin's wife, who encouraged us in our study of 五笔字型 with her wonderful cooking.
- Wang Yongmin, creator of 五笔字型.
- Charles Laughlin of Columbia University, for advising me on proper terminology and supporting this project.
- 杨平华 (Pinghua Young) of University of California Berkeley, for teaching me about the Z key and the Isolation Rule.
- 崔子筠 (Zijun Cui) and 王正平 (Zhengping Wang), for providing clear Chinese documentation of Wubi and a model for organization of a Wubi instructional manual.
- My brother, John Blake, of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, for giving me an introduction to the Internet and letting me speak to his Chinese buddies at Study Tools ;)
- Dr. Yougui Zhao of University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, for translating.
- 林晓明 (Charley Lin) and his father 林雪豪 (Xuehao Lin) for translating.
- Mrs. Mary Basson and the University Study Tools of Milwaukee Independent Study Committee for allowing me the opportunity to learn Wubi this year.
- The Senior Project Committee, for granting me the time to write this manual.
- Craig Scott, for guiding and advising me in the right direction during my projects.
- Phil Sanders, for purchasing the Chinese Language Kit for the Macintosh and graciously offering computing assistance, as well as late lab hours.
- Peter Leschke, for enthusiastic support of the project and making the second release possible by allowing me to use his computer during the long summer of '94.
- Reed Taylor, of Carnegie Mellon, for proofreading.
- Brett Coon, of Intergrated Information Technology (IIT), for clarifying the presentation, and contributing information about cxterm.
- Brian Shaw -- who, after reading the manual, is now relieved that "Wubizixing was not some gigantic and abtruse joke that a sinoswimmer could not detect" -- for his stylistic suggestions.
- Technology, for producing scalable Chinese fonts.